Friday, January 21, 2011

Once upon a time...

I was that girl, the one who talked to everyone, who tried to be happy when everything in the world seemed to be tearing her down. Once upon a time I was strong, but now you look at me and all you see is a defenseless stupid wreck of an almost adult. What happened to me? I was the strong kid, I held myself together through it all. When did that change. I can't seem to figure it out.

When I look at myself, I see the fat kid, the failure. Everyone else sees something different, I don't see how, I just can't manage to see it. He loves me, but I don't even love myself. I don't understand. I'm falling apart at the seams. He doesn't notice, I pretend to have it all together, like I even have a clue what I am doing. I don't. I know most people don't, I'm not trying to complain about the world and its cruelty. I just can't seem to figure anything out at all. I love him, at least I know that much. He loves me more, such a tragedy. I can't love him well, I can hardly love anyone. I fake this so well, usually I just get away with it. People like to mistake my pain for bitchiness, that's not what it is. Two people came into my life this year, and without them I don't think I would even try anymore. Monica Miller, you're my best friend, thanks for being there for me, even if I feel like I am never there for you. Thank you, you've kept me alive. Mason Driskell, I know I have put you through hell, but for some reason you seem to think I am worth it. I'm not. Sorry. I love you both more than I could manage to tell you. Thank you, there's more to this than there seems, but you guys are literally my saving graces.

People see the girl that doesn't care what other people think. People see what they want to see. I'm still dying, inside, a little bit each day. Each time I get dressed I mentally attack myself, I hate me. Each time you hold me, I remember why I'm holding on. Late nights with you, are the reason I keep trying. I don't know where I would be without you two. Please don't leave me alone. It seems everyone I ever cared about just abandons me. I am simply a convenient person to have around when their "true" friends are busy. Not with you guys. Thank you. I don't think I can really tell you how much you mean to me.

You guys are like my own doses of happiness, you keep pushing the darkness that is taking over me back a little bit, it comes back but it would have taken over me if it wasn't for you two. Other people help, but they wouldn't have saved me from myself. I could write so much longer but I think everyone really enjoys my depressing posts. I guess this one is more melancholy than anything.


  1. I think most people are just a convenience for when the real friends are away.
    Remember, Deanna, you make of yourself what you think of yourself. You're a lot better than how you described yourself in this post. You're incredibly intelligent which is rare to find and something I highly admire about you.
    I know I'm not Mason or Monica, but if those two are ever busy or you need a change of pace and someone to talk to, I'm just a text or call away. (541) 220-1882

    I hope things look up for you....

  2. Thank you, that really means a lot. I just wanted to let them know what they mean to me. Thank you.

  3. D you're absolutely amazing, I mean that. Honestly through senior year I had no clue what I would have done without you. You are strong and you care, everyone worries about what they are, but the people in our lives who love us remind us that no matter who we are their love isn't leaving. Mason and Monica love you because you're smart and beautiful and a wonderful friend and you're there when they need you. That's all that matters. I know that I am lucky to have a friend like you, it took me a long time to realize but you may be weird, I learned that weird is good, and you may be falling to pieces but that just means that we are there to help put you back together. And love you till the end. Yeah I agree with Jered I'm not Monica or Mason, but one time we were close and good friends, and I considered you one of my best friends, because for some strange reason no matter what people do to you you still care about them and love them. And we all love you. When you look in the mirror I want you to see a friend, and smart wonderful girl who when touched our lives you made a difference. Call me sometime.:D I love you girly.

  4. Vika, thank you. I love you, we were really good friends, and I still consider us that even though we don't talk that often. I know people love me for who I am, I just thought I would let everyone know how close I was to breaking, and that they really have a larger impact on my life than they think. You did too. Nica, and Mason are just the two who have been around the last couple months. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone.

  5. You're really sweet D. We all appreciate it and if there's anything you want us to do for you just ask. We all love you, and what i consider friends are people that ask how you are and care, and that you know that if something happens they will be there.:) You're my friend.
