Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just trying to make it work...

that's all I've been doing.

All this time, I have been looking for a job, hoping to get out on my own, but I know that I can't just say "I just started this job, let me move out today." I am using common sense, apartments require deposits, and what about furniture, about all the bills we'll have to pay, and you think we are ready, with nothing to fall back on. You're being flat out ridiculous, just because I think we should save some money and move out the beginning of August, you think I don't care about what you want. If what you want is to fall flat on your face, don't drag me with you. I want to be prepared, and capable of acquiring the things I need or want. I can't just jump at the chance to move when I haven't even got my first legitimate paycheck.

I'm not saying you have to stay and wait for me, if what you need is to move out now, and you truly believe you can do it, then go ahead. I'm not stopping you. I'm just not going to tag along, like a chicken with its head cut off. I know its hard for you, so if my permission is what you want ( I won't say need, because I don't think it matters that much to you,) then here it is. Maybe when I am ready to move out, when I have a savings to fall back on if something happens, maybe we can still live together. For now do what you have to. Isn't that what you've been doing all along anyway. Don't blame your problems on other people anymore, they're your problems, grab a hold of them, face them, and get rid of them. Stop making the rest of us feel guilty because your life isn't perfect.